
Who is Barack Obama?

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Barack Obama Is Cliff Huxtable
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Podcast Recommendations

Having recently moved, my commute has now increased from an easy 25 minutes to about 65 – 70 on a day without too much traffic.  With the increase in commuting time, my iPod is now getting a workout, but my music library can’t keep up.  So I’m looking for Podcast recommendations.

Currently I listen to NPR’s On the Media regularly and BBC Radio4’s In Our Time (sometimes).  However, those alone aren’t enough to cover the whole ride.  Can anyone recommend any morning news programs (e.g. NPR Morning Edition) and any interesting music podcasts for the ride home?


Crunchberries in Aisle 1

A judge dismissed a lawsuit by a woman who claimed she was distraught to discover “crunchberries” weren’t real fruit.

“A reasonable consumer would not be deceived into believing that the product in the instant case contained a fruit that does not exist,” the judge said in his ruling. “So far as this Court has been made aware, there is no such fruit growing in the wild or occurring naturally in any part of the world.”


This is Judicial Activism?

Wow, my head hurts.  How exactly is the following the work of an “activist” judge?  Recent Supreme Court decisions by those “beacons” of restraint, Chief Justice Roberts and his “conservative” court, are far more activist than this.

“The duty of the judge is to follow the law,” Judge Sotomayor wrote, “not to question its plain terms. I do not believe that Congress wishes us to disregard the plain language of any statute or to invent exceptions to the statutes it has created.”

“I trust that Congress would prefer to make any needed changes itself,” she added, “rather than have courts do so for it.”


In Other News… Right Wing Nuttery

In a neat-o act of exageration, the Swift Boat liars are now accusing Sotomayor of supporting terrorists.


I’m a Twit

Yes, I gave in and decided to try out twitter.  You can find me at  Too many NPR stories about twitter revolutions made me give in.


Exit 30

PennDot, those lovable scamps who come up with such great ideas as the highway to nowhere around Doylestown, are overhauling our local 95 interchange.  This delightful project, destined to cause hours of delays, kicked off last month with some demolition work.

The latest great news came earlier this week, when an already cramped two lane road was reduced to one lane.  CB told me that on the first day traffic backed up 10 miles during the evening commute.

Yay, PennDot!


College Athletics Secrecy

A few weeks ago I read an interesting article on secrecy in college athletic departments.   It’s amazing to see how broadly some schools interpret the laws in question.

News Uncategorized

Emracing Rationing

While I settle in to married life, I’ll resume posting articles of an interesting nature (to me, at least).  Here’s one I just read today.

A NY Times article out today argues for the use of “rationing” in health care.  The author argues that any system we work in today already rations, purely on an “ability-to-pay” basis, and recommends re-evaluating whether that makes sense in a world of expensive treatments that may provide limited “value”.



See, anonymous message board whining can have real world effects.