

Monday always brings a double whammy. The insomnia that recurs Sunday night combines with the usually long Mondays that often run until midnight or slightly later. So, on Tuesday, when I’m slumped over my desk, you know why.

Update: The two Tylenol PM took over two hours to take effect last night. Somewhere in the drug-induced sleep I turned off the alarm clock, waking up an hour and a half late.


Oracle bid can proceed

Oracle’s hostile bid for control of PeopleSoft does not violate antitrust laws. Having worked in the technology industry, I can say that there are likely many concerned customers this morning, but that on the whole the enterprise software market needs to consolidate in order to move forward. Despite what investors and the CNBC punditocracy may say (and truth be told, I don’t pay any attention anymore), the market IS maturing and is far too fragmented at the moment for all the current vendors to thrive.


On the Home Front

The suitcases were unpacked, the clothes washed. The paperwork was put away and sorted. The mail was reviewed, bills were paid, and letters were sent. E-mail and phone calls were placed. Meetings were scheduled and chores completed.

Isn’t it great to be home?


Thank God Tomorrow’s Friday

I’ve been waiting for tomorrow afternoon for over two weeks now, with the week’s vacaation that begins after I shut down my laptop at the office. Today was in some sense a waste of a day, since I accomplished nothing I needed to accomplish. The major distraction of the moment was the preparation of estimates for our Executive Director for all the applications migrating to our new data center. They’re done, of course, but the fifteen other things I needed to finish before I leave aren’t. And with half my day tomorrow taken up with meetings, that’s not likely to change.

Then again, I won’t be there.


The Office

No, this isn’t about the BBC comedy. On Saturday, I’m off on a week’s vacation to San Francisco with my family. And extended family (i.e. aunt, uncle and cousin), at that. To say I’m looking forward to a few days of not having to monitor the flow of requests in and out of my e-mail, or the constant revising of my task list.

I’ll even, some say luckily, miss a number of meetings that I would otherwise be involved in. Being the control freak I can be about projects, the idea of not being there is rather difficult to swallow this week. Next week, when I’m happily riding the cable cars, visiting Japantown for the latest imports, and catching up with some friends, I don’t think I’ll care.

That much, anyway.