
“Partisan” Attacks

It’s apparently now a “partisan” attack to state the obvious, at least when it’s a Republican who screws up. According to one of the 9/11 Commissioners quoted in the NY Times: “This appears to be a debate within the administration,” she said. “On the one hand, you have Dr. Rice saying that the domestic threat […]

It’s apparently now a “partisan” attack to state the obvious, at least when it’s a Republican who screws up.

According to one of the 9/11 Commissioners quoted in the NY Times:

“This appears to be a debate within the administration,” she said. “On the one hand, you have Dr. Rice saying that the domestic threat was being handled by the Justice Department and F.B.I., and on the other hand, you have the Justice Department saying that there did not appear to be a domestic threat to address. And that is a difference in view that we have to continue to explore.”

The response, for having brought these kinds of situations to light? Not gratitude, of course, or even suggestions for improvement. No, of course not.

“Sadly, the commission’s public hearings have allowed those with political axes to grind, like Richard Clarke, to play shamelessly to the partisan gallery of liberal special interests seeking to bring down the president,” Mr. McConnell said.

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