Wow, there’s a million and one things going on at the moment, and over the next few days I’m going to try to find time to catch up on here. In any case, let me give the brief rundown.
I’m back from Barcelona, which was a nice long weekend trip. Full details I’ll be publishing in a trip report in a few days. Monday Night Drinking, jetlagged-style, was also a fun event, with a near bar-fight for good times sake. The police showed up first, though, and defused the tension. There was a dorm storm tonight, RAA committee meeting tomorrow, Medieval Times on Friday, catching up with Bryan about the wedding plans on Saturday, and the RU-Seton Hall game on Sunday. Of course, they lost at Viginia Tech tonight by 1 point at the buzzer, so they should just about do in their shot at the NCAA tournament. Oh, and I’m going to finally post up some photos from Utah and from Barcelona this week if all goes well. Also, tomorrow is the 2003 performance review meeting where compensation is discussed, which I’m excited to finally have. I’m looking forward to it, and hopefully I won’t be disappointed.
In other news, Disney’s CEO Michael Eisner was shot down by shareholders in the annual board elections, having an astounding 43% vote cast against him. Considering how one-sided the Board of Directors nominations are, this is a stinging rebuke of his leadership by shareholders, who rarely dissent in a large way.
In addition to all that, I still have my fingers crossed about a potential site redesign. Hehe, right, as if! Who can find the time?