

I did some additional reading in Rule by Secrecy last night, through the section where the author accuses the Council on Foreign Relations of being a secret society whose members are bent on world domination through a new global government. While the over-the-top paranoia strikes me as extreme, I will concede a moderate score for […]

I did some additional reading in Rule by Secrecy last night, through the section where the author accuses the Council on Foreign Relations of being a secret society whose members are bent on world domination through a new global government. While the over-the-top paranoia strikes me as extreme, I will concede a moderate score for the author. The links between career politicians and bureaucrats of both parties through these organizations would, through the exchange of opinions and information, account for a partial narrowing of the differences in our political spectrum. Because much of the discussion is taken offline to these kinds of forums, the political response is already calculated by the time it reaches public discussion.

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