
What a relief!

Well, I’m relieved. Rather than the Pentagon having “Total Information Awareness” by collecting reams of data on everyone, everywhere, it’s now called “Terrorism Information Awareness”. Good thing they got the rebranding campaign out there. Of course, if they would only change some of the guidelines, such as this fantastic oversight component. The Secretary of Defense […]

Well, I’m relieved. Rather than the Pentagon having “Total Information Awareness” by collecting reams of data on everyone, everywhere, it’s now called “Terrorism Information Awareness”. Good thing they got the rebranding campaign out there.

Of course, if they would only change some of the guidelines, such as this fantastic oversight component.

The Secretary of Defense will, as an integral part of oversight of TIA research and development, continue to assess emerging potential privacy and civil liberties impacts through an oversight board composed of senior representatives from DoD and the Intelligence Community, and chaired by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics). The Secretary of Defense will also receive advice on legal and policy issues, including privacy, posed by TIA research and development from a Federal Advisory Committee composed of outside experts. (p. ES-5)

So, good old Rummie is the guy in charge of determining whether American civil liberties are protected? Maybe that’s why I couldn’t sleep Sunday night…

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