
More Rutgers & Zoffinger

In checking out a few links and doing a quick Google search, I stumbled on a fascinating read. Though brief, it shows how controversy dogs Zoffinger at every step around Rutgers.

Resolution in Opposition to the Nomination of George Zoffinger to the Rutgers University Board of Governors

First Introduced by Senator Adam Cooper on the Senate Floor, October 22, 2004

Whereas, Governor James E. McGreevey has recently nominated George Zoffinger to the Rutgers University Board of Governors; and

Whereas, George Zoffinger is currently the chair of the New Brunswick Development Corporation (Devco); and

Whereas, Rutgers and Devco are currently involved in a number of construction projects together, and the two will be working together more often on construction and development projects in the years to come; and

Whereas, the Rutgers University Board of Governors has significant influence over new construction projects at Rutgers; and

Whereas, Mr. Zoffinger’s position as chair of Devco would constitute a major conflict of interest should Mr. Zoffinger become a member of the Board of Governors; therefore

Be it resolved, that the Rutgers University Senate opposes the nomination of George Zoffinger to the Rutgers Board of Governors as a result of this inherent conflict of interest; and

Be it further resolved, that the Rutgers University Senate encourages the New Jersey State Senate to reject the confirmation of George Zoffinger to the Rutgers University Board of Governors.

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