
There Goes the VA

Business Week had a phenomenal article about how the Veteran Affairs transformed itself in to a strong provider of health care, holding down cost while providing increased quality and outpacing private health care providers. Unfortunately, now that this activity has been brought to the attention of the Bush Administration, I’m sure el Presidente will see […]

Business Week had a phenomenal article about how the Veteran Affairs transformed itself in to a strong provider of health care, holding down cost while providing increased quality and outpacing private health care providers.

Unfortunately, now that this activity has been brought to the attention of the Bush Administration, I’m sure el Presidente will see the need to take immediate corrective action. Having competent leadership in place while not allowing unqualified cronies to run any part of the US Government is clearly unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

I look forward to having this travesty corrected immediately so that our government is unable to deliver any services to its citizens (excepting, of course, fat no-bid contracts to rich friends).

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