

I have always felt that those who label themselves pro-life do so in a tongue-in-cheek manner. I simply don’t grasp how you can argue you are for the life of a number of cells, which often do not constitute some viable outside the womb (not yet, anyway), yet be pro the death and endagerment of […]

I have always felt that those who label themselves pro-life do so in a tongue-in-cheek manner. I simply don’t grasp how you can argue you are for the life of a number of cells, which often do not constitute some viable outside the womb (not yet, anyway), yet be pro the death and endagerment of grown women who would now be subject to far more risky and dangerous methods of birth control.

The confusion that is often intentionally made from the pro-life side of the debate is that those who are not pro-life are pro-death. But it’s not as if those who support the lives of actual adult women are any less pro-life than those who claim to be. Few people on the pro-choice side of this fence want to actively encourage women to pursue abortions as though they are entirely frivolous. The phrase “safe, legal, and rare” well describes this position. But in order to truly take a pro-life view, it’s important to include the lives of the women, something the “pro-life” side never seems to consider.

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