
Seasons Change

This time of year I always find difficult, as the seasons lengthen and the winter rapidly approaches. I without a doubt miss the warmer days that have just passed and begin thinking longingly of the warmer months yet ahead. Even the time when the days reverse course and begin to lengthen still remains some time […]

This time of year I always find difficult, as the seasons lengthen and the winter rapidly approaches. I without a doubt miss the warmer days that have just passed and begin thinking longingly of the warmer months yet ahead. Even the time when the days reverse course and begin to lengthen still remains some time in the distance, when Christmas carols are sung and the winter solstice beckons. Even still, it takes so long before the merest moments of the day begin to brighten just a little longer.

As I was out on my walk this evening (well bundled, I might add! It’s already so cold), I found myself time and again taken back to, of all things, my consumerist tendancies toward very badly wanting to buy a Nintendo Gamebody Advance. Why I can’t say, seeing as how I’m outside the core market of, well, children, and how I know I’ll never use it once hte novelty wears off. I already have a Gamecube and a PS2 gathering dust, with games I’ve bought and never even opened. Honestly, who has the time? And the money could be better spent a million and one ways. I would love to apply that toward the money to frame the paintings I picked up in Hong Kong, say, or some of the other frames I need for photos and sketches collected on my travels. Or take the small rug I’d like to buy for my living room. Or some Halloween decorations. And yet I still find myself drawn to that darn Gamebody Advance…

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