
Campaign Finance, M.N.D., Trip Report

I simply love Dhalia Lithwick’s description of the Scotus arguments. Her vivid, off-color remarks combined with fine-tuned analysis add an edge to her commentary. Take this line, for example. Argument is virtually an Ice Capades of former solicitors general, as Kenneth Starr, who served as SG under the first President Bush, faces off against Olson […]

I simply love Dhalia Lithwick’s description of the Scotus arguments. Her vivid, off-color remarks combined with fine-tuned analysis add an edge to her commentary. Take this line, for example.

Argument is virtually an Ice Capades of former solicitors general, as Kenneth Starr, who served as SG under the first President Bush, faces off against Olson and Waxman. Starr, who looks so much like Justice Anthony Kennedy that one half expects them both to start patting at their hair simultaneously, describes BCRA as intruding “deeply into the political life of the nation” and warns that the effect of the law will be to destroy political parties and redirect dollars in the direction of “razor sharp interest groups.”

How is that not quality commentary?

Jess invited me out to her MND (Monday Night Drinking) session, which was a good time last night. Pete Amos, one of the old McCormick residents, actually did show, much to my surprise. And only about 30 seconds after I bet against his appearance, no less. The rest of Jess’s MND friends seem to be good peeps, too.

The trip report and photos will be forth-coming. Today I finally feel as though I’m more or less on East Coast time. Although my new iPod was extremely distracting last night, as I feed my CDs in to it.

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