
Oh, Lord!

A very amusing passage taken from a Christopher Hitchens article regarding the Ten Commandments “scandal”: One is presuming (is one not?) that this is the same god who actually created the audience he was addressing. This leaves us with the insoluble mystery of why he would have molded (“in his own image,” yet) a covetous, […]

A very amusing passage taken from a Christopher Hitchens article regarding the Ten Commandments “scandal”:

One is presuming (is one not?) that this is the same god who actually created the audience he was addressing. This leaves us with the insoluble mystery of why he would have molded (“in his own image,” yet) a covetous, murderous, disrespectful, lying, and adulterous species. Create them sick, and then command them to be well? What a mad despot this is, and how fortunate we are that he exists only in the minds of his worshippers.

In other Godless news, The Smoking Gun has excerpts from an interview of Arnold S. from 1977. I tried to pick a particularly good passage to post here, but I simply couldn’t choose. Check it out and you’ll understand why.

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