

I’m now accepting odds on a Supreme Court retirement at the end of the current term. This article, like one of many I’ve read recently, speculates on a potential retirement this summer of a Supreme Court Justice. However, a recent article on CNN, with a key fact buried in the article, leads me to believe […]

I’m now accepting odds on a Supreme Court retirement at the end of the current term. This article, like one of many I’ve read recently, speculates on a potential retirement this summer of a Supreme Court Justice. However, a recent article on CNN, with a key fact buried in the article, leads me to believe that this is now unlikely.

The court is holding a special session in September to hear arguments on the constitutionality of the 2002 law, which bans corporate, union and unlimited contributions to national party committees and restricts advertising by a range of interest groups.

With a special session held outside its regular term, which begins in October, on a topic as important (to the politicians, at least) as Campaign Finance reform, I am hard-pressed to believe anyone plans on retiring. And with the regular term beginning a short time thereafter, there wouldn’t be sufficient time for the lengthy confirmation battles expected.

So, my bet is against a retirement in the near future.

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