
Fact checking for the paranoid

I’ve started reading a book called Rule by Secrecy lent to me by my aunt. As I read this, I will be more than happy to post incorrect facts and amusing theories, as this book strikes me as a delight in insanity. Who knows, maybe I’ll even find myself paranoid by the end. Page 8: […]

I’ve started reading a book called Rule by Secrecy lent to me by my aunt. As I read this, I will be more than happy to post incorrect facts and amusing theories, as this book strikes me as a delight in insanity. Who knows, maybe I’ll even find myself paranoid by the end.

Page 8: In 1991, newly installed President Bill Clinton appointed his close friend and golfing buddy Webster Hubbell associate attorney general of the Department of Justice. Response: The fact checkers missed the date, and I’d definitely love to read Hubbell’s account of the rest of the exchange between himself and Clinton. According to the author, Hubbell was charged with finding out the truth about aliens and JFK, which obviously leads to the conspiracy connection!

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