
A fantastic article

There is a fantastic editorial on CNN, buried under the Law section, regarding the “missing” Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Although I had not given it much though, Bush made very explicit charges regarding WMDs in Iraq. On multiple occassions, he leveled charges about Iraq seeminly overflowing with chemical and biological weapons, yet to […]

There is a fantastic editorial on CNN, buried under the Law section, regarding the “missing” Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

Although I had not given it much though, Bush made very explicit charges regarding WMDs in Iraq. On multiple occassions, he leveled charges about Iraq seeminly overflowing with chemical and biological weapons, yet to date, not a trace of any unauthorized weapons programs have been found. The long and short of it is that it appears that Bush has lied, led the nation to a war it otherwise would not have been fought, and jeopordized the lives of our soldiers. Even the alleged Iraq-Al Qaeda link is appearing false.

Many people were livid, decrying Clinton for his “scandalous” behavior, regarding the Monica Lewinsky affair. Where are those people now, when it appears that this President has lied repeatedly to the entire world, to the point where American lives were lost over his folly?

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