
The Old Bait and Switch

Phew, I’m just about caught up with all my current events… So, it appears that the old bait and switch is happening yet again in the Middle East peace situation. Now, since a Palestinian leader that has the potential to enforce a cessation of violence on that side has actually been put in place, it’s […]

Phew, I’m just about caught up with all my current events…

So, it appears that the old bait and switch is happening yet again in the Middle East peace situation. Now, since a Palestinian leader that has the potential to enforce a cessation of violence on that side has actually been put in place, it’s time to create a new condition for resuming peace talks.

Now, Sharon says he requires the Palenstinians to drop the “right of return” issue before mediation can begin. The moving of the goal line is, rightly so, going to earn him no sympathies with the Palestinians. This even contradicts the “supposed” road map published by the Quartet, which leaves the issue until later stages.

Why shouldn’t Abbas require a withdrawl from all settlements before he’ll agree to anything himself? And why is this buried in the article? Shouldn’t it be headline news?

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